About Us

Hiwot Integrated Development Organization (HIDO) is a local, non-governmental, secular, and non-profit-making organization working towards contributing to the development of Ethiopia through integrated development approaches. HIDO is legally registered as a local non-governmental organization with registration number 0224 by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia – Authority for Civil Society Organizations. 

HIDO’s vision is to see healthy and self-reliant society in Ethiopia. Its mission is to build the capacity, confidence, and efficacy of marginalized, disadvantaged, and vulnerable sections of the society (mainly vulnerable women, children, and youth) through participatory and inclusive health, education, livelihood, and human rights, gender, and social inclusion interventions to achieve immediate as well as lasting impact in their lives.

HIDO has 25 years of robust development experience. It was founded in 1999 G.C. by an Ethiopian Nurse, Sister Tibebe Maco, with the support of few dedicated health professionals and Social Workers who had ample experience and exposure in community development interventions.  


Bringing Change To Those In Need!

Early Childhood Care and Education


HIV Testing and Counseling

Nutritional Support

Livelihood and Economic Empowerment

Human Rights, Gender & Social Inclusion

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About Us

Striving to see healthy and self reliant society in Ethiopia.

During the past twenty five years of development intervention experience, HIDO in collaboration and partnership with various development actors implemented projects of various natures ranging from small to very large, achieved remarkable results, and positively changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.



OF Experience


Contact Us

tadioskebe@yahoo.com / tibebemaco@yahoo.com

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“Committed to empower & transform communities, and positively change the lives of people in need”.